This Dad Has Solved The Troubles Of Shoveling Snow With One Simple Pull Of A Rug

Humans are such an interesting species. We're a species that can someway, somehow figure out that this universe we thrive in could have been made from a few specs of dust coming together to explode into everything or that these massive green lizards inhabited our planet 30 million years ago, yet SIMPLE things like this escape our minds. It's truly astonishing. Snow sucks. Is it beautiful to see? Of course. Is it lovely to have a nice hot cocoa as it comes down on Christmas Eve with your family? Easily. Yet most of the time it just makes everything significantly colder, bends the morning commute over backwards whenever it decides to drop in, and worst of all means you have to shovel your way out of the house whenever it rises above a few inches and we as a society haven't figured how to combat the snow troubles!

That is until now thanks to this ingenious dad and his rug trick you can check out above. Isaac Newton figuring out gravity is cool and all (I didn't even have to google that), but you know what's even cooler? Figuring out a way to avoid shoveling snow and that's just this dad did here. So simple yet so innovative from him. You can mark my words here the next time it snows I'm laying every table cloth I own out on the sidewalk because why not? It's 2023. Table clothes are out and snow efficiency is in. This dad should be considered for the nobel peace prize.

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